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Articles in Programming, error messages and sample code
Programming, error messages and sample code
A network-related or instance-specific error occurred while establishing a connection to SQL Server
Breaking changes in Microsoft.Data.SqlClient 4.0--- Encrypt defaults to true for SQL Server connections
Can you provide me with some OleDB connection string examples?
Do you allow custom COM components?
Do you support ASP.NET Core 1.0?
Do you support CDO, CDONTS and CDOSYS?
Do you support ColdFusion?
Do you support Crystal Reports?
Do you support XML, WAP and WML?
Error when accessing a WCF service: "IIS specified authentication schemes 'Basic, Anonymous', but the binding only supports specification of exactly one authentication scheme...
Exception Details: System.ComponentModel.Win32Exception: Access is denied
How to add Microsoft Report Viewer 2015 Runtime redistributable package DLL's for Web based applications?
How to cache static contents to client with UseMaxAge?
How to connect to remote database from local Visual Stuio
How To Deploy WebGL To IIS
How to enable the WCF Tracing
How to fix 404/405 error in ASP.NET MVC4 WebAPI?
How to resolve "Maximum request length exceeded"
How to resolve "The request filtering module is configured to deny a request where the query string is too long"
How to setup Application Cache API ("AppCache") and MIME Type for appcache.manifest
How to solve error 'Unable to find assembly 'EntityFramework, Version=,' ?
How to: Set the Copy Local Property of a Reference
HTTP 401.2 - Unauthorized: Logon failed due to server configuration
I receive "HTTP 500 - Internal Server Error" when I try to access an ASP page.
Login failed for user
Login failed for user 'NT AUTHORITY\ANONYMOUS LOGON'.
Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX Information
My DNN Website Is Slow
Runtime error and Enable Detail Error for ASP.NET sites
System.Web.Mvc error when running an MVC application
Validation of viewstate MAC failed
What are the default document extensions?
What is a Web Application?
Which SMTP server should I use for ASP/ASP.net mail component?
Which version of MVC do you support?
Programming, error messages and sample code > ASP.NET
.NET Framework version history - .NET 4.5 is an in-place upgrade to .NET 4.0
404 Not Found Reserved.ReportViewerWebControl.axd - ReportViewer
404 when download static file from ASP.NET Core
ACL was altered after using VS web deploy
After MVC 4.0 web application deployed, getting HTTP 404 Page Not Found
An unhandled exception has occurred: Cannot find compilation library location for package 'Microsoft.Win32.Registry'
ASP.NET 4.0 application error: Unrecognized attribute 'targetFramework'
ASP.NET Classic vs. Integrated mode in IIS 7.x
ASP.NET Core Hosting
ASP.NET Core Module configuration examples
ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}\ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6 and IIS
ASP.NET MVC - MetadataException: Unable to load the specified metadata resource
ASP.NET returns Unable to find the requested .Net Framework Data Provider when connecting to mysql database
ASP.NET site returns Server Error in '/'Application.
ASP.NET Web Pages (Razor) (solution for Could not load file or assembly 'System.Web.Helpers, Version=1.0.0)
Avoid file locking error with Shadow Copy for ASP.NET Core Apps when publishing
Bin deploying WCF Data Services
Changing the default ASP.NET Trust Level
Common errors associated with inadequate Trust Level
Core-to-Core: Converting a Framework-Dependent App to Self-Contained in Visual Studio 2015
Core-to-Core: Converting a Framework-Dependent App to Self-Contained in Visual Studio 2017
Core-to-Core: Converting a Framework-Dependent App to Self-Contained in Visual Studio 2022
Core-to-Core: Deploy ASP.NET Core app to an environment that doesn't include ASP.NET Core in Visual Studio 2017
Could not load file or assembly 'AjaxControlToolkit' or one of its dependencies
Crystal Reports runtime engine for .NET Framework 4 (32-bit)Crystal Reports
Database timeout expired error on an ASP.NET application
Do you support .NET 5 or ASP.NET Core 5?
Do you support .NET 6 or ASP.NET Core 6?
Do you support ASP and ASP.NET?
Do you support ASP.NET applications that use Codebehind?
Do you support ASP.NET Code First?
Do you support MSDTC service?
EF Code First cannot drop database
Entity Framework 6 with MySql
Error running Windows Form Program because of MS chart
Exception Details: System.Net.WebException: The request was aborted: Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel
Exception message: The entry 'LocalSqlServer' has already been added.
Get WebSocket Connection Problem By Host Blazor With .Net 9
Got error "Could not load file or assembly..." when run MVC
How do I encrypt my web.config file?
How do I setup WCF RIA 4 & 5 on my hosting account?
How do I use SQL CE 4.0 database with HostBuddy.com hosting account.
How do I use SQLite Database with my ASP.NET site?
How long does it take for me to get my commission check?
How to check the specific directory size and file count under your account
How to config ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT for ASP.NET Core Application?
How to configure the ASP.NET Membership/Roles Provider
How to connect to a MySQL database in Crystal Reports
How to convert server time zone to local timezone using .NET
How to deal with "The connection name 'OraAspNetConString' was not found in the applications"?
How to fix "Parser Error Message: Could not create type 'WebService1.Service1'." on web service site
how to fix error “This type of page is not served.” error when trying to browse on *.cshtml files
How to force asp.net to use TLS 1.2 while making the HTTP request?
How to get detailed error when getting 500 error message
How to have .net application to use the .html extension instead of .aspx
How to host web socket protocol application in ASP.NET
How to load images dynamically/programmatically in Crystal Reports
How to publish an ASP.NET Core with React.js project to your hosting account
How to publish ASP.NET Core with Angular to our server
How to resolve "It is an error to use a section registered..." error message on your ASP.NET site.
How to secure Web Services with Windows Authentication[obsolete: no longer offerring Windows authentication on shared hosting package]
How to serve static files in asp.net core
How to set culture in web.config to change datetime format?
How to shut down app by using the App Offline file app_offline.htm
How to solve crystal report error "Unable to cast COM object of type 'CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ReportSourceClass' to interface type 'CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.Controllers.ISCRReportSource'. "
How to solve error 'Exception Details: System.Security.SecurityException: Request failed'.
How to solve error 'Keyword not supported: 'provider''
How to troubleshoot "HTTP ERROR 404" with ASP.NET Core API site
How to troubleshoot "HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure" with .net core
How to upload a large file from ASP.NET Core
How to use ASP.NET Session State Server
How to use Azure DevOps pipeline CI/CD with HostBuddy.com hosting
How to use Environment Variable that set in your Account
How to use IdentityServer in ASP.NET Core with certificate signing
How to use Response Compression Middleware in ASP.NET Core
How to use System.Speech in .NET
HTML to PDF Conversion Using Syncfusion PDF
I get the error: "provider: SQL Network Interfaces, error: 26 - Error Locating Server/Instance Specified"
Install .NET Core on Windows
List all installed Font Families on a Windows Server using C# code
mailSettings, defaultCredentials setup in web.config
Make Pdf from Asp.Net MVC
MVC using mysql returns “'MySql.Data.MySqlClient.MySqlClientFactory' does not implement the IServiceProvider interface”
My MVC site is returning 403 error message after I deploy
My MVC site is returning 404 error message after I deploy
Parser Error Message: Could not load file or assembly 'CrystalDecisions.ReportAppServer.ClientDoc, Version=10.5.3700.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=692fbea5521e1304' or one of its dependencies.
Parser Error Message: The connection name 'LocalSqlServer' was not found in the applications configuration or the connection string is empty
Resolving the "The URL-encoded form data is not valid" Error
Simple WebSocket with ASP.NET Core SignalR
The value for the 'compilerVersion' attribute in the provider options must be 'v4.0'
There is a duplicate section defined in web.config error
This collection already contains an address with scheme http. There can be at most one address per scheme in this collection.
Unable to update the EntitySet 'xxxxx' because it has a DefiningQuery and no <InsertFunction> element exists in the <ModificationFunctionMapping> element to support the current operation.
Upgrading from RC2 to RTM(ASP.NET Core 1.0)
What should we do when get "HTTP Error 500.34 - ANCM Mixed Hosting Models Not Supported"?
What's the difference between ASP.NET Full Trust and Medium Trust?
Which version of Microsoft .NET Framework do you support?
Why can I still access my ASP.NET pages even though I disabled anonymous access to my directory?
Why do I get blank page after publish Crystal Reports 13 ( Visual Studio 2010 ) to IIS?
Why do I get blank page after publish Crystal Reports 13 to IIS with ASP.NET 4.6?
Programming, error messages and sample code > IIS Rewrite
301 Redirect from Default.aspx to Root
301 redirect, www redirect, domain redirect
How can I convert .htaccess file to web.config file?
How to Redirect Your Primary Domain to a Subdirectory
How to remove aspx extension using IIS Rewrite
How to remove trailing slash using IIS Rewrite
Password Protect using htaccess
The expression "^group/([a-zA-Z0-9\_\.\-]+)/$" contains an unmatched '[' or ']'
Programming, error messages and sample code > Node.js
Getting Started with Node.js hosting on HostBuddy.com
How to connect MSSQL with Node.js
How to connect MSSQL with Node.js using msnodesqlv8
How to deploy PeerJS?
How to publish a NestJS project to your hosting account
How to publish a Next.js project to your hosting account
How to publish a React.js project to your hosting account
How to publish a Vue.js project to your hosting account
How to publish an Angular project to your hosting account
How to publish an Angular Universal project to your hosting account [old version]
How to publish an Angular v17+ Universal project to your hosting account
How to publish an ExpressJS application to your hosting account
How to send email in Node.JS
How to use Node Environment Variables with a dotenv file in Node.js
Quick Start Node.JS
Using Node Services in ASP.NET Core
Programming, error messages and sample code > PHP
Create a PHPInfo File
Fatal error: Call to undefined function mssql_connect() in
Got error 'The request filtering module is configured to deny a request that contains a double escape sequence.' with php site
How to adjusting PHP OPCache from .user.ini ?
How to build and deploy Laravel to IIS?
How to fix Wordpress issue "Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted"
How to send smtp emails with PHPMailer
How to turn off php display_errors with ini_set function?
Make Custom PHP Changes Using A .user.ini File
PHP flush doesn't work in IIS
Programming, error messages and sample code > sample code
ASP and ASP.NET connection strings for Access and MSSQL databases
ASP.NET Core 502.3 - Bad Gateway
Classic ASP Changing, Date, Time, and Currency Format
Error: Keyword not supported: 'initial catalog'.
Gmail is disabling Less Secure Apps: How to send SMTP emails with APP Passwords
How do I setup my connection string so that communication with the SQL server is encrypted?
How query an Access database with a DSN/ODBC source
How to allow/ deny IP access to a specific IP address through web.config
How to connect to Access 2007 with PHP
How to connect to MySQL via ASP
How to connect to MySQL with ASP.Net
How to connect to MySQL with PHP
How to control iframe with specific origins with Content Security Policy (CSP)
How to fix 404 when requesting ACME Challenge file in .well-known?
How to insert data into an MS SQL database with .NET SQL Data Provider in ASP.NET
How to integrate RDLC report into ASP.NET and generate PDF file
How to integrate SSRS into asp.net?
How to query a SQL database with ASP using a DSN-less connection
How to query an Access 2007 database with ASP using a DSN-less connection
How to query an Access database with ASP using a DSN-less connection
How to query an Access Database with OleDB in ASP.net
How to query an MS Access 2007 Database with OleDB in ASP.net
How to query an MS Access Database with PHP
How to query an SQL database with .NET SQL Data Provider in ASP.NET
How to redirect a subdomain to a subdirectory
How to send email from php application
How to send email in ASP.NET
How to send mail using CDO
How to send SMTP email using MailKit
Persits ASPEmail sample code
Persits ASPUpload sample code
Redirect HTTP to HTTPS
Sample Code About Sending Emails Via Gmail
Sample code to connect to an MS SQL database using php
Sample code to resize an image with ASPJpeg 1.8
Sample code --Use CDO to send email through Office 365
Send email from Gmail with SMTP authentication but got "5.5.1 Authentication Required" error
Set redirection in your code
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