How to set up FileZilla to use FTP over SSL?

FTP > Configuring FTP over SSL
Windows 2008/IIS 7 allows a secure FTP connection via FTP over SSL. Note that this is not the same as SFTP (FTP via SSH), so you may have to experiment a bit with your FTP client settings to get a secure connection. Our tests were successful with the following.
  1. Click Open Site Manager
  2. Click the New Site button and name the site
  3. Fill in the following fields:
    • Change the Logon Type to Normal
    • Host – Enter FTP address( like, which can be found in Control Panel.
    • Username – Enter your FTP username.
    • Password – Enter the password for this user.
    • Change the Server Type to FTPES – FTP over explicit TLS/SSL
  4. Click Connect
Note: If you receive a generic "could not connect" error, or in implicit mode see an attempted connection to port 21, you have a configuration error. Please cut and paste the login information from Control Panel to make sure you are supplying the proper credentials.