.UK Registrations
.UK is the TLD for the United Kingdom, and is regulated by the Nominet Registry.
We offer domain name registrations for .ORG.UK,
.CO.UK, and .ME.UK in much the same way as we do with the .COM and .NET
gTLDs. All .ORG.UK, .CO.UK, and .ME.UK domains have a registration term
of two years. Due to Nominet’s requirements, .LTD.UK, .PLC.UK, and
.NET.UK domains must be registered with Nominet directly; however, we do
offer renewals and transfers of these domains.
To register a .UK domain name, the registrant name
must contain four or more characters, at least three of which must be
letters (a-z).
The minimum registration period for .UK domains is one year and the maximum is ten years.
.UK Residency Requirements
The .UK Registry restricts registrations into their
top-level domain (.UK) to registrants living in the United Kingdom.
However, anyone can register the following second-level domains,
regardless of where they live:.CO.UK, .ORG.UK, .ME.UK, .PLC.UK, .LTD.UK,
and .NET.UK.
Who can register .uk domain names?
Anyone can register .uk domain names on a first-come, first-served basis.
An address for service in the United Kingdom will be required for registrants who live overseas. We will use the Admin contact for this address. PO Boxes will be unacceptable. (Does not apply for .co.uk and .org.uk domain names.)
These domain names can have up to 63 characters, with a minimum of three characters, and can contain letters (a to z), numbers (0 to 9), and hyphens (except at the beginning or end of the domain name). You cannot register domain names with special characters such as & and #.
Registration rules for the new .uk domain extension is available in the What Right to Reserve rules apply to new .uk domain names? section below.
What Right to Reserve rules apply to new .uk domain names?
Registrants who own an existing co.uk, org.uk, me.uk, net.uk, plc.uk or ltd.uk before Oct. 29, 2013 will have their .uk domain name reserved for free up until June 10, 2019, as long as the existing domain name remains registered.
For those who have the same name but different domain name endings -- like www.example.co.uk and www.example.org.uk -- can use the Rights lookup tool at
www.dotuklaunch.co.uk website to find out who has the rights to the www.example.uk domain name.
Article ID: 425, Created: May 6, 2013 at 11:26 PM, Modified: January 21, 2015 at 10:11 PM