.IT Registrations
.IT is the TLD for Italy.
All .IT registrations are for one year.
When you place an order for a .IT domain, you need to complete the following additional fields in the Registrant Contact Information section of the order form:
Entity Type— From the drop-down list, choose the category that best describes the Registrant:
Persons, Foreign and Italian
Italian Companies/One Man Companies
Italian Freelance Worker/Professionals
Italian Non-profit Organizations
Italian Other subjects
Non Italian, Non Persons
Nationality— This field is required if Entity Type is Persons, Foreign and Italian. From the drop-down list, choose the Registrant's nationality. For more information, see .IT Residency Requirements.
VAT/Codice Fiscale— The value that you need to enter depends on the entity type of the registrant.
Italian citizens must enter their Codice Fiscale.
Non Italians can enter n.a.
Italian companies, freelancers and other subjects must enter their 11 digit VAT number or tax identification number.
Italian non-profit organizations must enter their
VAT number or tax identification number; if they do not have one,they
can enter n.a.
Non Italian entities other than persons (organizations, freelancers, companies, etc.) must enter their VAT number.
If the Entity Type is anything other than Persons, Foreign and Italian, you must also complete the Admin Contact Information section of the order form. If the Entity Type is Persons, Foreign and Italian, the Admin contact is assumed to be the same as the Registrant contact, and you will not see the Admin Contact Information section on the order form.
.IT contact addresses
For contact addresses (registrant, admin, tech) where country = Italy, you must enter a valid two letter code for their province, using capital letters, for example, RM for Roma. For a complete list of Italian provinces, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_3166-2:IT ).
You must also have a valid five digit Italian postal code, for example, 00199. For a complete list of Italian postal codes, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_postal_codes_in_Italy.
.IT Residency Requirements
In order to register a .IT domain, it is not
necessary to reside in Italy or in the European Union; however,
depending on the registrant's entity type, the following criteria must
be met:
Persons, Foreign and Italian
Must be either resident of an EU nation or a citizen of an EU country.
For example, a French citizen living in the U.S. can buy a .IT domain (Nationality=France, Country=United States), and a U.S. citizen living in France can also buy a .IT domain (Nationality=United States, Country=France), but an American living in the U.S. cannot buy a .IT domain.
Italian Companies/One Man Companies
Italian Freelance Worker/Professionals
Italian Non-profit Organizations
Italian Other subjects
The registrant's Country must be the same as their Nationality, and both must be Italy.
Non Italian, Non Persons
The registrant's Country must be the same as their Nationality, and both must be part of the EU. For a complete list of EU countries, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/EU_countries.
.IT DNS Requirements
In order to activate a .IT domain, you must provide
at least two functional nameservers. Nameservers can be provided when
registering the .IT domain or when activating the .IT domain. All DNS
zones should be configured beforehand. The IT registry checks the DNS
requirements at registration and if that fails, periodically thereafter.
If, after 30 days, the DNS requirements are not met, the IT registry
will delete the domain.
Important: Effective June 30, 2009, the .it registry does not allow you to use the nameservers dns2.nic.it and dns3.nic.it.
The domain name and
nameserver details are transferred to the zone file within 24 hours,
after which time the domain name becomes active.
Nameserver changes can take up to five days to complete pending
validation by the Registry. During that time, the domain's status is
pendingUpdate, and the old nameservers continue to be displayed.