.DE Registrations
.DE is the country code TLD for Germany, and is regulated by the DENIC Registry.
.DE names must follow a specific format and must be 3
to 63 characters in length. The names can include numbers, letters
(A-Z), and a hyphen (-), and must begin and end with either a letter or a
number. As well, the hyphen (-) cannot be used as the third or fourth
Note: There are certain
names that are not available for registration. Consistent with ICANN and
gTLD procedures, all existing TLDs and two-character country codes are
reserved from registration. For example, COM.DE or NET.DE will not be
accepted. In addition, all German license-plate numbers are reserved for
possible third-level registrations. A complete list of reserved names
can be found at: http://www.denic.de/en/richtlinien.html
The registration period for .DE domains is one year.
.DE Residency Requirements
Registrations in the .DE TLD space are second-level registrations. In
order to register a .DE domain name, either the Registrant (Owner) or
the Administrative Contact must be based in Germany with a verifiable
German address.
Note: There are no proxy registrations whereby one individual registers a .DE name on behalf of another.
.DE Registration Process
The following outlines the basic steps in registering a .DE domain name, assuming that the name being requested is available.
Registrant requests a .DE domain
The Registrant either submits their request for a .DE domain name through the RCL, or notifies you directly to submit the request on their behalf.
Registration is submitted to DENIC
Once the request has been submitted with us, the system sends the registration information to DENIC.
Registrations through DENIC are asynchronous, which means that, once the
registration has been submitted, there is a waiting period that could
take from several hours up to two business days before confirmation is
received. During this waiting period, money for the registration is
placed on hold and changes to the domain are not accepted unless they
are changes made to an existing contact.
Registration completes
When the registration process completes, DENIC sends an email to us indicating success or failure. If the registration failed, the
email includes the reason for the failure. If the registration could not
be completed due to inactive nameservers, the email also indicates how
much time is left to activate them. If the nameservers are not activated
in that time period, the name is deleted and the Registrant receives an
email informing them of the deletion.
Article ID: 413, Created: May 6, 2013 at 10:53 PM, Modified: May 6, 2013 at 10:53 PM