Country Code TLD Registrations--.AT Registrations

Domain names/DNS > Country code TLD Registration

.AT is the TLD for Austria, and is regulated by the registry. All .AT domains have a registration term of one year.

Note: Submissions for this TLD are processed during EST business hours. Please allow up to three business days for all orders to complete.

.AT domain names must adhere to these rules:

  • Must be between 3 and 63 characters in length.

  • Can include numbers (0 through 9), English language letters (A-Z), and a hyphen (-)

  • Must contain at least one letter

  • Cannot begin or end with a hyphen (-).

  • Cannot use hyphen (-) as the third or fourth character.

Note: There is no refund when you cancel a .AT domain name.

.AT Residency Requirements

.AT is an open registry; you do not have to be an Austrian resident or business operator to register a .AT domain.