How Do I Connect to Linux VPS through SSH from Linux and Windows OS?

Linux VPS

This article will guide you on logging in to VPS Hosting through SSH (Secure Shell) from Linux and Windows Operating systems. You can obtain SSH details from the client area under ‘SSH Details.’

From Linux Operating System

1. Open Terminal, type the following command, and press Enter – 

ssh root@VPS-IP-address

2. You will be prompted to enter the password.

Enter your password and press Enter


From Windows Operating System

First, you will have to install the Putty Terminal client to connect to SSH from the Windows system

Download the Putty Terminal client here and install it on your Windows system. 

1. Open the Putty Terminal client, and you will see the following window -

2. Enter your VPS IP address, check the checkbox SSH, and click on Open.

3. You will be prompted for the password.

Enter your password, and hit Enter.

4. Now, you are connected to your Linux VPS through SSH from the Windows system.