Why you could not withdraw commission or convert it into account balance?

Control Panel V5 > Account Center > Affiliate program
When you start with the Affiliate Program, you may read our affiliate terms carefully. 
"Affiliates are required to refer at least 3 new paid customers per year to quality for commission withdraw." 
Please note that We count per year such as 2020, 2021, 2022...
If you do not have 3 new paid referral, you may get the below error:
"(Error) Dear customer, our affiliate program requires the affiliate to refer at least 3 new paid customers per year to qualify for commission withdraw. 
We do this to prevent customers from using our referral system as a way to get 60% discount on their own hosting purchases."
So you will need to have 3 new paid referrals and these new hosting accounts should be regular used for hosting.