Email will be blocked (returned to sender) if the spam "score" is over
40. The following is a list of criteria and the amount that they add to
the overall score.
- Domain is listed by SpamCop: 10 points
- SPF soft fail: 10 points
- SPF Hard fail (SPF record does not match originating IP): 30 points
Any message scoring 40 or more on the above criteria will not reach
your inbox, so it is not subject to the regular spam filtering methods
Spam filtering
You can decide which action to take based on the score that the message has.
- Spam score from 10 – 20: Prefix message subject "SPAM-LOW"
- Spam score from 20 – 30: Prefix message subject "SPAM-MED"
- Spam score above 30: Prefix message subject "SPAM-HIGH"
Other options include deleting a message that exceeds the score, or sending it to a spam folder for further review.
Detailed information on domain-wide spam settings is available in the SmarterMail help documentation:
Help for Domain Admins > Domain Settings > Domain Spam Filtering
Article ID: 130, Created: July 17, 2012 at 12:24 AM, Modified: April 15, 2014 at 11:03 PM